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  #31   Report Post  
Old November 8th 03, 09:06 PM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
Sue Sue is offline
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Nov 2003
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Default Earth Cooling !

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 20:56:09 GMT, Gunner

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 20:27:13 GMT, Sue wrote:

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 19:40:31 GMT, Gunner

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 12:01:41 -0500, Rex Tincher

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 12:27:19 GMT, "Bob Harrington"

Strider wrote:
It seems like there is an excess of methane floating about.

Sorry about that. Ran out of Beano...

Anybody got videotapes of the classic "Cecil and Beano" cartoons?

Cecile and Beany.

Cecile? I always thought he was a male seasick sea serpent. G

YAY!! Thats the one! Good girl!

Gunner, gonna be 50, Tuesday...sigh.... showing his age.

Pish. You're young yet. There are a few of us here who would love to
be 50 again.

  #32   Report Post  
Old November 8th 03, 09:53 PM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 05:40:00 +0000, Strider wrote:

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 01:53:22 GMT, GuidoXVI

On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 22:27:05 +0000, Strider wrote:

That is my point. There is not enough proven data to justify large
social changes. Political arguments are rarely, if ever about
anything more than political power. Therefore they cannot be proven
mathematically. Were there enough verifialbe facts ( A causes B and C
will most likely fix it) there would be little argument.

There is no doubt among scientists that increased CO2 in the
atmosphere can cause a greenhouse effect. What's not clear is how big
an effect it can have, or how soon. What is clear is that if we do
nothing, the world will be warmer, and the seas higher, than if we
don't, at least for the next few centuries.

Frankly, I'm willing to let the next millennium take care
of itself for the moment.

What facts are available fairly well proves that the climate is
warming up, at least over the last 150 years. The reasons for this
warming are theory. Therefore, any fix might theoretically work. The
question, then, is will this fix do the job or will it make the
situation worse?

See above. The more accurate models of the atmosphere have
a close correlation with the data. That's the best anyone can do.
"Theory" isn't synonymous with "unproven", it means "an explanation".
Theories aren't proved, they can only be disproved. The greenhouse
gas theory's been around for some time, and it has yet to be

Nova did a story not too long ago about measuring the
Antarctic ice cap. Take a look on the PBS website. That's a start,
at least. You can also do a Google search, or read books on biology,
physics, and climatology. All that boring stuff.

Nova just repeats the researcher's theories, presented as fact BTW,
and usually without bothering to let the viewer know that it's a

That's because Nova's audience is mostly smart enough to tell
the difference between facts gathered and conclusions based on fact.
When there is little disagreement on the basics of a theory, scientists
tend to talk about it as fact. It's certainly not a habit peculiar
to scientists. People in my business do the same thing all the time,
even though most of us have never even seen an electron. Circuits just
become more understandable if you imagine electrons (and holes) exist.
For that matter, priests talk that way about their favorite subject
with a whole lot less reason.

None of this is shown to be caused by humans. In fact, it can pretty
well be shown to have happened in the past, long before people could
have had a role.

You no doubt believe that smoking has never been proved to
cause cancer. The mechanisms for CO2 production and distribution in
the atmosphere are well understood. Some of them have human causes.
No natural process creates CFCs in any quantity worth mentioning.
These are works of man.

(Straw argument, cancer, noted)

Actually not. It's an analogy. There was clinical, experimental,
and statistical data to indicate that smoking caused cancer. Many
people still chose not to believe it, because their freedom to fill
their (and our) lungs with noxious gases was being threatened. The
excuses were similar - 'correlation doesn't prove causality', 'mice
are getting cancer, so what?', and, my personal favorite 'my aunt
is 102 years old, and she smokes like a chimney, drinks a fifth of
scotch a week, and has unprotected sex every day'.

Correlation doesn't prove causality, laboratory experiments
were mostly done with lower mammals, and there probably is someone
who has an aunt who's 102 years old and smokes like a chimney. The
fact remains, however, that the "theory" that smoking causes cancer
fits the facts known, and is not contradicted by any. This is also
true with the theory of the effect of greenhouse gases on our

Your assumption that the greenhouse theory of global warming is man
made. I'd give you this one except that global warming and cooling
have happened many, many times in the past quite without the help of
humanity. I don't think they quite have a handle on those reasons as
of yet.

You misread my statement. Added CO2 pollution and CFCs
are works of man. They are known to cause at least some of the current
warming trend, at least over those last 150 or so years you mention.
Reducing or eliminating them will at least make the problem less

As I said before, there is at least some evidence that
the world was in a warming trend anyway, for at least the last 10,000
years or so. That's why there's not a mile of ice on top of my house.
There have been small variations in this trend, of course, one of
which caused the concerns expressed in the article that started
this thread. If it really turns out that we're headed for an ice age
in the longer term, I'm not too worried. We've proved that we can
create substantial amounts of greenhouse gases when we put our minds
to it.

Religion is about faithin something that cannot be proven. This is
exactly what the eco movement is about., faith is the unproven.

That there are people who take ecology as a religion is
unfortunate, but it doesn't mean there's not a problem. No more
than the existence of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson proves
there's no god.

Our debate is not about the existance of a problem. We agee the
climate is getting warmer right now. the debate is about the validity
of the theories on the reason.

It's also about the nature of science, and whether a
preponderance of evidence in a particular direction is enough to
warrant a change in policy, or we should wait until there's a
unified theory of atmospherics, or until the last crank and the
last paid consultant are satisfied. It may already be too late, but
I think it's time to get on with fixing it.

  #34   Report Post  
Old November 9th 03, 08:54 AM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

"Rex Tincher" wrote in message
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 18:13:54 GMT, Strider wrote:

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 08:32:59 -0700, "John Doe" wrote:

But I thought the earth was warming up? "Global warming". "The



Let's see, back in the 1970's, the first Earth Day, global cooling was
supposed to kill us all by 2000. Then in the 1980's it was global
warming that's our bane.

I get so confused, do I invest in more insulation or more sunscreen?

Invest in bull**** repellent. In the 1970s the weather scientists got
media attention and government grants by predicting a new ice age.
That scam ran dry so then they started predicting global warming.

Politicians and environmentalists love global warming because they can
"cure" it by imposing billions of dollars in energy taxes and reducing
our standard of living. Greed and envy are powerful human motivators,
especially in people who believe that they are too noble to be subject
to greed and envy.

... its social/economic engineering on a global scale with a vast forced

redistribution of wealth - kind of a new modern dressedup version of
communism. Joe Stalin would be very proud indeed.

  #35   Report Post  
Old November 9th 03, 08:56 AM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

"Bob Harrington" wrote in message
GuidoXVI wrote:
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 06:34:49 +0000, Bob Harrington wrote:

It's 10 PM here - I've collected enough data over the past 6 hours to
confirm that Global Darkening is a reality! We must become more
enlightened! =)

Collect data for another twelve hours or so, and I think a
new theory will emerge. Science marches on!

I've analyzed my data over several days now. While there is definite
indication of a cyclic darkening/lightening, there is still an overall
trend towards darkening.

Disturbingly, data from the southern hemisphere shows exactly the
reverse trend - the only reasonable explanation is a nefarious plot by
Australia to steal our light! With heavy heart, I must conclude that we
are on the dim side of a widening Lightness Gap!

.... would nuking Oz solve the problem??

  #36   Report Post  
Old November 9th 03, 09:58 AM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

Dudhorse wrote:
"Bob Harrington" wrote in message
GuidoXVI wrote:
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 06:34:49 +0000, Bob Harrington wrote:

It's 10 PM here - I've collected enough data over the past 6 hours
to confirm that Global Darkening is a reality! We must become more
enlightened! =)

Collect data for another twelve hours or so, and I think a
new theory will emerge. Science marches on!

I've analyzed my data over several days now. While there is definite
indication of a cyclic darkening/lightening, there is still an
overall trend towards darkening.

Disturbingly, data from the southern hemisphere shows exactly the
reverse trend - the only reasonable explanation is a nefarious plot
by Australia to steal our light! With heavy heart, I must conclude
that we are on the dim side of a widening Lightness Gap!

... would nuking Oz solve the problem??


  #37   Report Post  
Old November 10th 03, 01:24 AM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
Sue Sue is offline
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Nov 2003
Posts: 3
Default Earth Cooling !

On 9 Nov 2003 04:45:35 GMT, (Frank White)

In article ,

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 12:01:41 -0500, Rex Tincher

On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 12:27:19 GMT, "Bob Harrington"

Strider wrote:
It seems like there is an excess of methane floating about.

Sorry about that. Ran out of Beano...

Anybody got videotapes of the classic "Cecil and Beano" cartoons?

Cecile and Beany.

Help Cecile Help!

Coming Beany Boy!



"R A G G M O P P

And Cowabunga to you! G



  #38   Report Post  
Old November 10th 03, 07:20 PM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 15:26:12 +0000, strabo wrote:

Falwell's and Robertson's beliefs don't cost Americans billions
of dollars and dictate social interests. The cult of scientism

Considering the size of their empires, I'd say that Falwell
and Robertson have cost us billions of dollars. We've gotten
considerably less for those billions from them than from the
scientific research they've cost us.

"The cult of scientism"? Did you think that little gem
of pseudo-english up on your own, or did your dog upset a
Scrabble game?

  #39   Report Post  
Old November 10th 03, 08:45 PM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 19:20:33 +0000, GuidoXVI wrote:

"The cult of scientism"? Did you think that little gem
of pseudo-english up on your own, or did your dog upset a
Scrabble game?

Oh, my goodness, it actually is a word:

Main Entry: sci·en·tism
Pronunciation: 'sI-&n-"ti-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1877
1 : methods and attitudes typical of or attributed to
the natural scientist
2 : an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods
of natural science applied to all areas of
investigation (as in philosophy, the social
sciences , and the humanities)

[from Merriam-Webster online dictionary]

Apparently, it was used at one time as a
description for a real scientist, then perverted to
mean something else. A lovely Orwellian turnabout.

  #40   Report Post  
Old November 11th 03, 07:29 PM posted to,alt.survival,,misc.survivalism
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Default Earth Cooling !

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 05:39:47 +0000, strabo wrote:

Now that you've figured how to use a dictionary, find out
what real science entails.

I've never yet seen "real science" properly defined by
anti-science dimwits, nor am I likely to now. Someone who'd
use a phrase like "cult of scientism" to describe someone who
prefers trusting scientists who've spent their lives trying
to understanding a subject using the best methods available as
opposed to his, or someone elses, prejudices or fond wishes,
is clearly someone whose opinion on any subject can't be

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