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WA wrote:
Whata Fool wrote: CO2 warming is the theory of the meteorologist and climatologist, they need to defend warming. But if it turns out there is no warming, where is climate science? Then CO2 cooling will be needed. Excuse me while I turn on the heat, and get back to vector graphics. Look, you are biting the big one here on Venus. Didn't you see the urls I posted about others talking about CO2 cooling the atmosphere? I am a big fan of astronomy and was reading a lot of science fiction in the 30's and early 40s, but so little is really known about Venus, speculation is not mentally rewarding. I wish we knew more. Your theory is worthless if it can't explain what is going on there. Don't you think the fact that there is 4 times as much N2 there as on Earth is interesting? Is the premise that CO2 radiation downward being what holds the temperature that high an absolute certainty? Weren't you the one who claimed they wanted to discuss physics? Of whether or not there is warming on Earth, and what the cause is, yes. I have mentioned a number of things about atmospheric physics that I thought would be very interesting, but nobody seems interested. The local reduction in pressure when water vapor undergoes a 200 to 1 reduction in volume when condensing, and a 1 to 200 increase in volume when evaporating would seem to be very important in meteorology, at least those numbers are correct for steam. Maybe it is only the fact that I try to discuss things in terms of what the average person might understand that is uninteresting to specialists. Only now, when you really need to discuss physics, it's back to vector graphics? You tried to steer the discussion to force me to establish a firm foundation for radiation physics, including one that would explain the puzzle of the surface heat of Venus, when just understanding one little bit about the temperature and energy exchange on Earth would be a lot to accomplish in my estimation. I don't like the idea that so many trained specialists have talked against the extreme predictions made, and the even more extreme predictions made and the concern that causes some. It would be nice to know something definite with confidence. So, whatcha working on? Rendering for a new 3-D bathroom/kitchen design home remodelling program? That would be totally wicked. No, just simple vehicle graphics in cut vinyl, a little boy peeing on the words "global warming". |
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Bill Ward wrote in
news ![]() On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 17:28:11 +0000, William Asher wrote: Whata Fool wrote: snip First, I am instantly suspicious when I hear you say phrases like: "The premise is wrong, you can easily work the problem when the simple truth of nature is known." That is classic internet kook stuff. And then it struck me that when you describe what you think is the fundamental flaw in radiative transfer, it is like you are saying: (1 + 1) + 2 = 4 and 1 + (1 + 2) = 4 so that this proves addition isn't associative because the parentheses are in different places. See, you have all the physics right, essentially, but then form this entirely bizarre conclusion from it. Anyway, any time you feel like going through Chandrasekhar's book and pointing out how he has misunderstood the "simple truth of nature" that you alone have discovered I am all eyes. It's not Chandrasekhar's work that's in question, it's the way it's applied. Since most heat transport through at least the temperate and tropical troposphere is via poorly understood convection of latent heat, you need to explain just which model you believe in and why. Can you describe it in enough detail to be convincing? Often "truth" is not simple. The issue was not latent heat transfer or deep convection, the issue was straight radiative transfer. Anyway, early on in my participation in this thread I already stated that latent heat was more important in terms of total heat fluxes. But it is the radiative flux that provides the driver for climate change. WaFoo has a pet model that he claims explains what really goes on with radiative transfer and that CO2 actually cools the troposphere, regardless of what the latent heat flux is doing. I claim WaFoo's model is non-physical and cannot explain other cases like what happens on Venus (at that point, all of a sudden, WaFoo lost interest in explaining physics (lucky for him you are here though eh?)). As a second part of this discussion on radiative transfer, I have been asking him or that C-babe dude to explain what part of Chandrasekhar's work is so wrong it needs a completely different interpretation or explanation as to physical mechanisms. Neither would do it, instead displaying a complete lack of understanding of logic and asking me to prove a theory was true. snort Now you are obfuscating the issue by bringing in latent heat transport, which is a separate matter from radiative transfer. Do you want to take a stab at explaining the problems with radiative transfer theory in its currently accepted form? Or are you going to waffle and dodge like Wa-C-Foo-babe and tell me I don't understand it (which is irrelevant really, since all I am claiming is that it is correct)? So, clearly, you must also think radiative transfer is wrong or you wouldn't be trying to save WaFoo's bacon with the misdirection, point out the equations in the radiative transfer that are wrong, and why. Then we can go on to your likely completely bizarre and erroneous interpretation of how latent heat transfer and deep convection occur. But first things first. -- Bill Asher |
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On Oct 2, 5:28 am, William Asher wrote:
Whata Fool wrote: snip First, I am instantly suspicious when I hear you say phrases like: "The premise is wrong, you can easily work the problem when the simple truth of nature is known." That is classic internet kook stuff. And then it struck me that when you describe what you think is the fundamental flaw in radiative transfer, it is like you are saying: (1 + 1) + 2 = 4 and 1 + (1 + 2) = 4 so that this proves addition isn't associative because the parentheses are in different places. See, you have all the physics right, essentially, but then form this entirely bizarre conclusion from it. Anyway, any time you feel like going through Chandrasekhar's book and pointing out how he has misunderstood the "simple truth of nature" that you alone have discovered I am all eyes. -- Bill Asher addition is not associative 2+3x5=17 or 2+3x5=25 or (2+3)x5=25 or 2+(3x5)=17 correct..........wrong..........correct........... correct....... association and distribution are isolated from the basic rule book the laws as agreed to by consensus unless a single exception can be found and proven. |
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davee wrote in
oups.com: addition is not associative 2+3x5=17 or 2+3x5=25 or (2+3)x5=25 or 2+(3x5)=17 correct..........wrong..........correct........... correct....... association and distribution are isolated from the basic rule book the laws as agreed to by consensus unless a single exception can be found and proven. Excellent point. But you have some multiplication in there (that's what the little 'x' symbol means) and when you mix multiplication and addition, they are not associative in general. Here's a website that discusses the associativity of addition: http://www.learningwave.com/chapters...assoc_add.html Ask your kid or grandkid or the neighbor's kid to explain it to you if you are still having trouble understanding what the difference is. Finally, as a rule, you should post and then drink heavily, not vice versa. -- Bill Asher |
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On Sep 26, 4:36 am, Roger Coppock wrote:
For those who have not quite mastered the concept yet, below is the URL to yet another simplified explanation of CO2 as a greenhouse gas. http://www.exo.net/~pauld/workshops/...xidemodels.htm Thank you, Mr. Tom Adams and the globalchange newsgroup.http://groups.google.com/group/globa...thread/be7cb1c... WTF is that supposed to prove ? Why not do it with puppets ? And Venus is hot because of all the volcanoes spewing out constantly, ****ing derrrr.... There is still not a ****ing lick of evidence that CO2 is causing the temp to increase. There is no correlation b/n CO2 production and temp.. So the AGW cult came up with this garbage called 'radiative forcing' which is not radiative and not forcing ! This is pure marketing-speak, it has no scientific validity at all. |
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On Oct 2, 6:30 pm, William Asher wrote:
davee wrote groups.com: addition is not associative 2+3x5=17 or 2+3x5=25 or (2+3)x5=25 or 2+(3x5)=17 correct..........wrong..........correct........... correct....... association and distribution are isolated from the basic rule book the laws as agreed to by consensus unless a single exception can be found and proven. Excellent point. But you have some multiplication in there (that's what the little 'x' symbol means) and when you mix multiplication and addition, they are not associative in general. Here's a website that discusses the associativity of addition: http://www.learningwave.com/chapters...assoc_add.html Ask your kid or grandkid or the neighbor's kid to explain it to you if you are still having trouble understanding what the difference is. Finally, as a rule, you should post and then drink heavily, not vice versa. -- Bill Asher again a literal translation. you were using brackets where they dont need to be.You did not illustrate the basic rules of mathematics properly. BODMAS........ |
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On Oct 2, 7:19 pm, davee wrote:
On Oct 2, 6:30 pm, William Asher wrote: davee wrote groups.com: addition is not associative 2+3x5=17 or 2+3x5=25 or (2+3)x5=25 or 2+(3x5)=17 correct..........wrong..........correct........... correct....... association and distribution are isolated from the basic rule book the laws as agreed to by consensus unless a single exception can be found and proven. Excellent point. But you have some multiplication in there (that's what the little 'x' symbol means) and when you mix multiplication and addition, they are not associative in general. Here's a website that discusses the associativity of addition: http://www.learningwave.com/chapters...assoc_add.html Ask your kid or grandkid or the neighbor's kid to explain it to you if you are still having trouble understanding what the difference is. Finally, as a rule, you should post and then drink heavily, not vice versa. -- Bill Asher again a literal translation. you were using brackets where they dont need to be.You did not illustrate the basic rules of mathematics properly. BODMAS........ 1+2+3=2+1+3=3+1+2=6 dont need brackets because the result is the same because the fundamental law (Brackets then Powers and roots then division and multiplication and lastly addition and subtraction) is followed in order. I quoted an exception. 1+2x3=7, 2x3+1=7, 1+2x3=9 is false because the order of operation is not followed. (1+2) the brackets force this calculation first because of the rule book which is agreed to by consensus. |
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BW wrote:
On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 17:28:11 +0000, William Asher wrote: See, you have all the physics right, essentially, but then form this entirely bizarre conclusion from it. Anyway, any time you feel like going through Chandrasekhar's book and pointing out how he has misunderstood the "simple truth of nature" that you alone have discovered I am all eyes. It's not Chandrasekhar's work that's in question, it's the way it's applied. Since most heat transport through at least the temperate and tropical troposphere is via poorly understood convection of latent heat, you need to explain just which model you believe in and why. Can you describe it in enough detail to be convincing? Often "truth" is not simple. Referencing an author is another meaningless way of avoiding discussion, as if a single energy transfer process could account for atmospheric physics with the bulk of the atmosphere being two gases unable to radiate much in IR, along with CO2 and H2O which can act in a number of different ways that can warm or cool. But I was really worried that N2 and O2 could not radiate, because they absorb heat in several ways, from the sun, and even other sources of thermal energy at high temperatures can heat them to rather high temperatures. This thread has helped me a lot, seeing that CO2 can play a major role in cooling the planet, though not as great as water vapor, nevertheless, a very major role. The emission of IR in all directions by CO2 explains a lot of things satisfactorily, because there can be thousands of absorptions and re-emissions per second, and the rate of transfer is not restricted as is that of the sun to a stable source of thermal energy, or to radiation from one temperature value. The sun adds the energy to the pipe, and because a unit portion of energy can be radiated, absorbed, and re-radiated many times in a unit portion of time, any excess energy can be radiated away, and the system stabilizes. This rapid fire absorption and re-radiation is perfect as an assistance to the broadband radiation of liquid water, the IR radiation of water vapor, and the latent heat transport processes in cooling all materials in the atmosphere and liquid and solid surface of the planet. The fact that it can occur at the speed of light, and in rapid fire manner seems to make any mathematical treatment seem inadequate in description of the cooling dynamics. It is all about cooling, it always was, it never was about warming, whoever thought warming was a problem. |
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On Oct 2, 2:42 am, person wrote:
On Sep 26, 4:36 am, Roger Coppock wrote: For those who have not quite mastered the concept yet, below is the URL to yet another simplified explanation of CO2 as a greenhouse gas. http://www.exo.net/~pauld/workshops/...xidemodels.htm Thank you, Mr. Tom Adams and the globalchange newsgroup.http://groups.google.com/group/globa...thread/be7cb1c... WTF is that supposed to prove ? Why not do it with puppets ? And Venus is hot because of all the volcanoes spewing out constantly, ****ing derrrr.... You are an idiot. There is still not a ****ing lick of evidence that CO2 is causing the temp to increase. You are a total idiot. There is no correlation b/n CO2 production and temp.. Who cannot understand science or read a graph. So the AGW cult came up with this garbage called 'radiative forcing' which is not radiative and not forcing ! This is pure marketing-speak, it has no scientific validity at all. Like you have any knowledge of science! LOL! |
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On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:24:52 -0400, Whata Fool wrote:
David wrote: On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:58:38 -0400, Whata Fool wrote: Apparently it has been, but only not fully considered as possibly causing cooling. http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/20...mosphere.shtml http://blog.sciam.com/index.php?titl...&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 CO2 has been specified as the cooling agent of the atmosphere, but apparently the AGW premise is that it warms the surface. http://www.lavoisier.com.au/papers/a...kinin-fox.html The surface is only warmed by sunlight and by the heat retaining molecules of N2 and O2, any downward longwave radiation is instantly radiated upward by broadband by the surface. How AGW claims of CO2 causing warming is difficult to understand. The ability of the surface to radiate infrared as quickly as it is absorbed does not seem to be consistent with the premise that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and CO2 as only a cooling agent is consistent with the high Diurnal Temperature Range on clear nights with dry air. How can theory get turned upside down, could temperatures actually be warmer if there was no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? It just kills you don't it? Give up. Learn to swim. I don't know of any place where the water is warm enough to suit me now, but I learned to swim in a creek in 1934. Time for all the enlightened to learn a new script, back to the global cooling, as CO2 concentrations go up, the atmosphere has to get cooler. You must be old or something. What abouth methane? |
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