Weather Warning
.... I understand the scepticism of some to this warning, but having
watched the build-up through the models over the past couple of days,
and the strong potential they indicate, the Met Office are right to
issue this warning (and I write as someone who thinks that, on occasion,
we issued too many such).
.... There are now solid reasons for believing that sub-528 dam total
thickness air will be dragged across many parts (though only
temporarily), with high threat to east and north; indeed some models
show sub-522dam; with instability features entrained (or
locally-generated convection), these values almost certainly produce
snow in some quantity - altitudes, amounts etc., always the problem, and
the deepest cold air may yet be nudged aside into continental Europe ...
however ...
.... at this time of year, many, *many* people are travelling to
areas/over roads they do not normally traverse; many journeys are being
planned etc., that are not undertaken at other times of the year. The
Advanced Warning has a map of % probabilities attached (see the web
site), and with the 40-50% probability (i.e. given a large enough
sample, roughly half of occasions such as this would present
*significant* difficulties for travellers (road, rail, air etc.), it
gives good guidance for those 'on the move': YOU now have the
information to decide whether to go early, or go later to wait and see
what happens, or just prepare a little more.
.... Whatever happens, I feel this is a useful warning, given the way it
is phrased and given the time of year.... and it's certainly going to be
interesting however the detail pans out!