"David Buttery" wrote in message
. ..
"Pete B" wrote here on 22 Dec 2003:
Nothing in Malvern from the current setup, only light rain showers
yesterday afternoon and nothing visible from the Malvern Hills on
the Hills in Central Wales to the west yesterday morning. Don't
know about now though, not been up to see
One of those I was up on the Hills walking with yesterday said she
did not remember decent thick snow in this area since Jan 1982!
Not even Feb 1991? We had 8 ins of level snow here then, and it stuck
around for at least a week. I'd settle for that!
Bewdley, Worcs, ~90m asl.
Above address *is* valid - but snip spamtrap to get me to *read*!
Support the world's oldest motorsport venue!
I don't know, I didn't live here in 1991. The person concerned was relating
events as much as anything to how her son, 10 years old at the time had
enjoyed it in 1982. Since by 1991, that would not have been an issue maybe
she had forgotten that one. I remember the 1981/2 events myself in Malvern
because I happened to visit the area on business at the time. By 1991, I was
up in Scotland living near Kilmarnock and snow from that event was very poor
in that area - although much better again above the 150m level out towards
the Southern Uplands. It was the following year, 1992, that I moved to near
East Kilbride - Strathaven to be exact and there were many good snowfalls
there in the 6 years I lived there. Not seen anything decent in England
since I moved back in 1998.
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