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This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Below are Brian Gaze's (the person who runs TheWeatherOutlook.com) forecasts for
Christmas 2003 from when he started "guessing" in September.
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Christmas 2003 Weather
One of the most common weather related questions asked annually in the UK, is
whether or not it will be cold and snowy during the Christmas period. Each year
during September we begin our countdown to Christmas and provide a regularly
updated forecast as the big day approaches.
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Christmas forecast headline: Bitterly cold air close by
Our initial forecast for Christmas Day this year suggests there is a possibility
of a White Christmas in some parts of the UK. It looks as though the weather
will turn bitterly cold during the Xmas / New Year week, and Christmas Day
itself may be when the transition from milder conditions begins. However, at
this stage it looks more likely that the transition to much colder conditions
will occur between the 26th December and the 28th December.
Issued 23/09/03
Next Update: Updates will now be issued regularly until the Xmas period itself
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Christmas forecast headline: Snow possible
Turning very cold during the Christmas period with the likelihood of heavy
showers falling as snow in eastern areas. For Christmas day itself, our forecast
suggests the highest chance of snow falling is in eastern coastal districts
during the afternoon. Western parts of the UK are likely to be drier, although
some lighter wintry showers near north western facing coasts are also possible.
Updated 05/10/03 (Issued 23/09/03)
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Christmas forecast headline: Snow likely in the east
The latest forecast suggests the weather will turn cold during the run up to
Christmas Day itself with the possibility of some snow showers falling in parts
of the UK, especially in eastern areas. As usual higher ground is most likely to
have snow. By Christmas Day itself the weather may have turned particularly cold
with temperatures remaining at or slightly below 0C throughout the day with
widespread and heavy snow bursts in eastern coastal regions pushing further
inland at times.
Updated 15/10/03 (Issued 23/09/03)
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Christmas forecast headline: Snowcover in places
The latest indications are still suggesting there will be a significant cold
spell during the Christmas period giving the possibility of some substantial
snowfall in places. Christmas day itself may well be dry, although very cold
with frost persisting through the day. As temperatures are expected to remain
low, any snow cover that has accumulated in the days leading up to Christmas is
likely to persist, meaning that some areas are likely to have snow on the ground
on Christmas day.
Updated 27/10/03 (Issued 23/09/03)
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Christmas forecast headline: Showers, wintry in the north
Latest indications now suggest the UK will be covered by a west to north
westerly airstream on Christmas day. This is likely to produce showers in the
north and west that could be wintry at times, especially over hills. Southern
and eastern areas are likely to be drier with sunny spells, and close to average
temperatures. All areas can expect overnight frost.
Updated 12/11/03 (Issued 23/09/03)
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Christmas forecast headline: Cold and mainly dry
It looks likely that the UK will be covered by a dry easterly airstream on
Christmas day. Snow showers are possible, and these look most likely in eastern
areas. On Christmas day, some places may well have snow on the ground from
previous accumulations. All areas are likely to have a sharp frost overnight.
Updated 22/11/03 (Issued 23/09/03)
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Christmas forecast headline: Possibly wintry
The run up to Christmas is likely to be one of the colder spells of the winter,
with the possibility of some snow in places. As often is the case, northern and
eastern areas are likely to be favoured. By Christmas day itself milder weather
may well have pushed across the UK bringing wet and windy conditions. However,
there is a significant chance of it arriving later, or even during Christmas
week itself. If this happens, some parts may have snow cover from previous
falls, or see snowfall during the Christmas period..
Updated 02/12/03 (Issued 23/09/03)
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Christmas forecast headline: Possibly cold and very wintry
Current indications are suggesting a greater than average chance of very cold
and wintry weather for much of the UK during the Christmas period. Although
there is still a LOT of uncertainty and confidence is low, we are forecasting
Christmas week to be cold and wintry for most of the UK. Snow is possible for
most areas, and accumulations maybe significant. There is also the possibility
of snow actually falling on Christmas day.
This forecast will now be updated regularly in the run up to Christmas.
Updated 12/12 (Issued 23/09)
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A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.