Snow :-)) -- should I add " OT " ??
Good morning all!
We had some very interesting weather-days.
Starting Sundaymorning with a gale force 10. Gusting up to 110 km/h. As it
was a north-westerly the sea, before the Dutch coast, reached dangerous
level; and a "red alert" was given for dike-guards, particularly in the
north-and northwest. Also the big weir in the East Scheldt ("
Oosterschelde-kering") was closed -- for the first time again in seven
years. Back to February 1953! But our low-lands are somewhat better
protected now :-)).
Polar air brought some snow-showers yesterday -- and today a new warmth
front tries to cross our country; but there's also some cold continental
air; resulting in a nice battlefield :-))! Eventually the warm air will
win -- but its the question how long it'll take.
For the time being the world around Zeewolde and further east is white
The Netherlands, SE Flevopolder ms 3 m asl
Tc + 0.0 C - 1020,6 hPa falling -- S 4, backing SE - 95%