Snow :-)) -- should I add " OT " ??
"Wijke" wrote in message
Good morning all!
We had some very interesting weather-days.
Polar air brought some snow-showers yesterday -- and today a new warmth
front tries to cross our country; but there's also some cold
air; resulting in a nice battlefield :-))! Eventually the warm air
win -- but its the question how long it'll take.
For the time being the world around Zeewolde and further east is white
.... an interesting tale: a passing thought - as KNMI would have had the
same problems with the past few days due to strong winds, rain vs. snow
etc., how are things done in Holland (i.e 'Early Warnings' , Severe
Warnings etc.)? And is there as much grumbling when those that want the
snow don't get it ;-)