Paul Rickwood wrote:
I think the main advantages of the 2500 are the greater wireless
range and the lux reading jobby.
I have now had the 2300 for 2 weeks and am very happy with it now
that I have relocated the console for perfect reception. Just started
messing with the web-publishing, check out if you are feeling bored.
Like Terry my wind guage doesn't read as it should, however it is on
a fence blocked by trees and the house so what should I expect.
Christmas cheers
"David Parker" wrote in message
I've been lurking in this group for a good few years now but haven't
made many posts. I'm after a bit of advice.
I'd like to buy a weather station that measures temp, humidity,
pressure wind and rain and that will connect to my PC.
I reckon the La Crosse WS2300 or WS2500 are good options. The
question is why is there £150 difference between them? On paper
they look pretty similar except that the tolerances aren't specified
for the WS2300. Is it much less accurate? Are there any other
makes/models that might be better in the £200-£400 price range?
Any thoughts welcome.
Indoor temp 28 deg - phew!!
cupra (remove nospam please to mail)