Is Summer over?
I would say average summer 'so far'.
Perhaps you should keep records. Here in Surrey June was 2.6°C above the
1971-2000 average, and rainfall 50%. July so far is 1.8°C above average and
rainfall about 85%. I would say warm dry summer so far, very much so.
If this weather pattern continues for the next 3-4 weeks, which is possible
looking at the 120\144's, summer will overall be disappointing, in my
Ludicrous. Reminds me of the story of the fairy princess who slept on 6
feather mattresses under which was placed a pea. She complained of the
"terrible lump" in the bed.
It certainly feels Autumnal out there last few days.
It neither looks nor feels autumnal. Cool to normal summer days, and
quite pleasant. I would guess that you have never experienced a really bad
summer. Ironically, I still get people of my age (60) telling me that summers
aren't what they were. It's an unfortunate dead-cert conversation-stopper to
tell them, "you're right, they're better". Ah, well.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.