Rob Overfield wrote in message
Just posted a pic on showing the frosty
of the weather here at Langtoft of recent dsays and nights. Last night
temp dropped to about MS 4C and today it has struggled to about 1.5C. In
the pic, it isn't snow, thats frost still on the ground at 1430 today!
Rob Overfield
Just driven back from Lancashire to Kirkburn (about 6 mls from Langtoft).
The frost was most extensive in the eastern side of the Vale of York near
Market Weighton, where is hadn't melted in the fields in full bright
sunshine. The most frosty place in all 115 mls though was my back garden!
Pity next weeks not looking so wintry any more!
Had a good 12 mile walk around 12 dales surrounding Langtoft last Sunday
Rob, with the Long Distance Walkers Association.
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