The message
from Dave Ludlow contains these words:
On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 20:44:56 GMT, Dave Wheeler
The message
from Dave Wheeler contains these words:
Fair Isle 1900z
160 deg 55kt gst 73kt 4C moderate rain. (63mph mean, gst 83mph)
Fair Isle 2045z
160 deg 62kt gst 72kt
Bl*** he** Dave, the US National Hurricane Center would record that as
Hurricane force (1 minute mean). For anyone who doesn't know, the
conversion from 10 minute to one minute mean is approx. 62 * 1.14 =
70 knots "sustained" wind speed.
It's about 10 knots here... hold onto that hat and roof!
Exposed window of byre blew in about an hour ago during period 2100-2130
when mean speed for half hour was 65kt gsting 82kts. Cows somewhat
peeved at being blasted by rain driven by 'hurricane' force wind!
Luckily neighbours rallied round and we had the window boarded up in
about half an hour. Actually neighbours were doing the rounds 'guising'
and turned too despite the men being clad as females (+ a couple of
girls dressed as . . . . girls)!!!
Last hour sinking several whiskies plus home brew with said neighbours.
They've now headed out into the storm (moderated a little now - last
hours mean a calmer 57kt, gusting 74kt) too spread the New Year spirit
FAIR ISLE WMO Station Number 03.008 Grid ref HZ 210712
Elevation Barometer 61.0 metres Raingauge 56.7 metres
Lat. 59° 31.61' North Long. 1° 37.74' West
Local area forecast and