On 06 Jan 2004 03:13:43 GMT,
(TudorHgh) wrote:
I can't see any evidence whatever for an easterly spell, even up to
T+384, in the GFS forecasts. Nor is there anything in the ECMWF output. It
all seems like wishful thinking to me.
Well the ensemble mean 850 hPa temperature for London in the latest
GFS runs at http://www.wetterzentrale.de/pics/MT8_London_ens.html
gets down to -5C by the 20th so nothing too unusual there (or at
Aberdeen for that matter)
But I do like the steady downward slope and the clusters below the
mean are tighter than those above (two hitting -12) so there's perhaps
a bit more hope of something "interesting" than usual, at least for a
run or two.
Either way, no snow for me no doubt. I'm already wondering if I'll
even get down to -2 minimum this winter.