"Dave Ludlow" wrote in message
Well the ensemble mean 850 hPa temperature for London in the latest
GFS runs at http://www.wetterzentrale.de/pics/MT8_London_ens.html
gets down to -5C by the 20th so nothing too unusual there (or at
Aberdeen for that matter)
07 January 15:43. Low pressure with high winds.
15 January 04:45. Fine with high winds.
21 January 21:08. Unsettled, humid and breezy.
The times of the first two phases this year will be around quarter to
the hour. This is an awkward time for me to forecast one of the things I
wrote about asking for help in an earlier post.
"Fine weather" in this country in winter means cold weather. Although
the sun tends to shine all day during these spells and temperatures are
subsequently quite low. Lack of cloud at night is alledged to not help
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