Joe *******i's Europe Column
In message , Weatherman
I have been reading Joe's column now for some months and once you get used
to his jargon it really makes quite interesting reading. I really do hope
that he is right in what he is saying as I am sceptical about global
warming, and I would love to hear what the GW enthusiasts can come up with
if this severe cold spell really happens.
Although I was not around in 1947, that winter didn't really start until
quite late in January with exceptionally mild temperatures preceeding the
icy blast.
It appears to me and perhaps some others that the GW enthusiasts think they
are onto a winner if it fails to snow in December.
We all know it can happen as late as March and quite often does.
I still fail to see what people enjoy about a mild british winter with all
the rain and gloom, but I could understand it if it was sunny.
Best regards. Len.
What exactly is there about extreme cold which turns you on? Do you
even know?
I wasn't around in '47 but I was a kid during '63 and after a short
while snow and hard cold becomes very tedious and you really wish for it
to relent..
Give me "mild, mild, mild" any day.