"Col" wrote in message
"Mike Causer" wrote in message
an.2004. ame.org...
Phillip Eden did a nice job of explaining current vs historic forecast
technology today on R5 (given the limited slot just before midday), but
as he stated that he's a radio-only weatherman, when was the first
public broadcast radio forecast made?
Well I think the BBC first started broadcasting in 1924, so I guess it
would have been then.
I don't know the answer to this, but the first professional meteorologist
to present a weather forecast on the radio probably happened very
late ... possibly even after the TV ones started. I know that the
regular forecasts were very carefully and formally scripted by the
Met Office and read verbatim by the BBC announcer into the 1950s.
I have a book which contains copies of a handful of these scripts from
the early-50s.
There were, of course, many talks on the weather from the very
earliest days of radio, from the likes of H.R.Mill, Napier Shaw,
Gordon Manley, etc.
Perhaps contributors even older than I am can enlighten us ... :-P
Philip Eden