In article ,
Col writes:
I'm using and I've received nothing, nothing
at all. All I've got are long threads with people talking about spam
and flooding. I feel like I'm missing out 
For all those people who a couple of weeks ago in a fit of pique said
they were quitting NIN because they objected to paying the princely
sum of £7 a year, think again.
Surely it is worth this small sum as an insurance policy against this
kind of thing?
I shelled out my seven quid. However it's not a perfect insurance
policy. When I downloaded news from NIN at about 1:30pm I got about
4,000 of them. Obviously NIN reacted very quickly, though, not only not
accepting any more but getting rid of the ones that they already had, so
that somebody collecting their news an hour or two later than me
wouldn't have seen any of them.
John Hall "He crams with cans of poisoned meat
The subjects of the King,
And when they die by thousands G.K.Chesterton:
Why, he laughs like anything." from "Song Against Grocers"