[WR] 11Jan Guildford Min 4.1 Max 11.3 Rain 10.4
At EGHH on Thursday a Fly-be Dash 8 had to make an emergency landing - in a
crosswind gusting 50kt at the height of the storm - with flaps stuck down
(the aircraft also had suffered a radio fail). Made for some, er,
entertainment since we had no power, so nothing else to do but watch what
was going on outside (my workplace overlooks the airport)
Wonder if we are in for a repeat tomorrow? I will be watching the Davis
weatherstation we have at work with interest.
No doubt my colleagues in the towers and at the centres are in for an
"interesting" day tomorrow :-)
Jim, Bournemouth
"Phil Layton" wrote in message
Rain clearining early, with a linear clearing of the upper cloud as the CF
moved away. Brief dier interlude and then some showers late am, followed
another late pm. Some more at the moment.
I understand arrival restrictions have already been placed at the London
airports for tomorrow morning. I expect the turbulence and cross wind will
be a problem until the CF passes. Then the strength of the head wind will
a problem until later in the day.