By the way,
"Yes, I would have thought the chances of having several colder winters
in the near future is now increasing. This easterly could signal the
return to a colder phase in the north atlantic region." - Brian Gaze,
The Weather Outlook.
I expected him to confirm this now.:-D It's going to be difficult to
both reflect on what has ultimately been - yet another - failed winter
forecast but ALSO what is looking like a prolonged 1991-type easterly
tearing through much of England WELL into spring, if Joe *******i's
latest thoughts are to be believed.
The next stage for Brian would be to look for RELIABLE below average
months throughout the year, though with a hot summer forecast, a
mid-1990s-type cold period may be what may be about to occur, sadly,
not a mid-1980s one. This is by no means bad though.:-) :-o
I would love to know what Brian makes of the COLD spring forecasts that
are now coming through, with THREE cold spring forecasts (the Met
Office(?), Currie, *******i) now going against ONE mild one (Metcheck,
although March IS to be a significantly colder than average month once
again, apparently, according to their GFS sources.:-))