Moderators needed!
"lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
"Jack Harrison" wrote in message
"David Gartrell" wrote
I've noticed there are quite a few newsgroups out there that are
moderated, ...snip
Great idea, but who would find the time to look after such a busy
newsgroup as this one?
People that have retired early.
Seriously though, the trouble with moderated groups or forums is, they are
open to moderator subjective abuse as well . In addition many are run by
private companies to promote their own products. For me some moderators
a traffic-warden like mentality. Uksciweather even though unmoderated
is remarkable for the lack of bad language and good behaviour. Okay there
may be some time-wasters ( ? ) but overall despite yeterdays debacle which
happened on a heavily moderated forum as well, things surely aren't that
on here .
I think one problem is, being a weather group if the weather isn't doing
that much people will tend to go OT and why not ? it's hopefully part of
general bonhomie of the group. Moderated groups tend to become "follow
party line or you're banned" that then becomes effectively very subjective
I would have thought that there were some on this group who should be able
to turn thier prediction skills to NG abuse. i.e. Large influx of spam
expected wed evening, Damien expexted around 20:00 etc etc.