Ady wrote:
Thanks for all your kind posts, but no-one has answered the true question of
the way the anemometer should point ?
Should it be set up to point North or South to get accurate recordings.
If you mean the arm on the anemometer - it doesn't matter which way it
points. You have to align the wind vane using the red marks, as
described in the manual. But it's possibly easier to ignore the red
marks as follows: Take the wind vane off the anemometer. Turn the shaft
until the display shows 180 (note that there's a lag of up to about 10
seconds before the display updates). Without disturbing the shaft, align
the wind vane so that the 'nose' is pointing south, then fit the vane to
the shaft and tighten the screw.
Steve Loft, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire. 1417ft ASL
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