Radio 2 now, Wilson and Gibbs
They got it wrong,
they've apologised already. What's the point of going on about it.
Precisely.:-D ;-)
There is a world of difference between apologising both HONESTLY and
EARNESTLY for misforecasting the weather, then to just smile and walk
off with a big grin on your face - which is what Tom Presutti, Gavin
Partridge, and although he is LONG forgiven, so I shouldn't really
mention his name anymore, Brian Gaze, did after forecasting their
near-collective "1947 repeat" or whatever rubbish was then spouted!
As I said it *really* gets my back up, and is enough to drive a
perfectly SANE person like me to near-online insanity!:-o
Only the seemingly endless, dependably yearly, "seasonal" mild ramping
of Codge and other such hopeless sadists irritates me further.