Tuesday, 22 February 2005
0900 NE F3-4 12km RE-SN 5/CU 7/SC T011D-001
RMK: -SN (light snow), which had continued since just before 06Z,
ceased by 0845Z ... slight additional cover: see depths below. Sc is 7+
cover - small gaps seen, and there may be something else above.
screen min: 00.2 grass min: -01.5 precipitation: 3.9
other data: average snow depth over grass: 3cm, max depth just over 4cm:
but, over roads, paving etc., very patchy with large areas nil.]=
1200 NE F4 25km - 4/CU T027D-023
RMK: Cu hum, isol med; otherwise fine/sunny - a keen wind. Much of the
overnight snow has melted - we must have had some of the most
persistent, as in the fields etc., around Warfield/North Bracknell,
hardly any snow.=
1500 NE F4 30km 12kmNE -SHRASN 2/CU 4/CU T036D-039
RMK: sleet shower reducing visibility upwind; low base CU assw
precipitation (around 1500ft); in addition, 2 oktas SC. We have had a
couple of -SHSN in past 3 hours: no effect on surface. All but a few
patches of snow have now gone. Hard surfaces either dry or drying
1800 NE F3 40km - 1/CU 3/SC T014D-018
RMK: distant CU med, otherwise sky fairly placid - 1 okta lower SC also
present - probably Cugen; hard surfaces mixed, some damp, some dry in
about equal measure. Scrappy snow showers past 3 hours, none of which
accumulated snow, so we have no snow cover presently on any surface:
grass min. thermo. reading just above zero presently.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 03.1 precipitation: 0.1]=
2100 NE F4-5 50km - 3/CU T007D-026
RMK: all paved surfaces now dry; Cu hum only (with Cu fra/ragged); also
1 okta Sc in distance. Grass min. thermo reading -0.2degC, though it has
been lower. A fine evening, if somewhat on the chilly side!=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)