Felly sgrifennodd Adrian D. Shaw :
Felly sgrifennodd Alan White :
I'm mildly sensitive about the white out topic (as you may have
gathered!) because it came up at the beginning of February and was
sorted and has now come up again.
I just checked back on that thread, and I didn't miss it first time round.
It does not refer to what might be meant by "near white-out", nor even
mention that phrase.
I agree with what you said in that thread that a true white-out only occurs
when there are no visual clues. And I agree that it should not be misused
to describe a snowstorm.
However, I also think that the phrase "near white-out" is perfectly
acceptable, as it clearly differentiates itself from the true white-out.
The original poster made this distinction, and therefore was not saying
anything which should offend you.
If you disagree, read this message again replacing "white-out" with "dark".
Do you still disagree? If not, why not?
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais uk