Spring is sprung
Anne Burgess:
This is a WEATHER newsgroup, in case you haven't noticed, you
numskull. If
you want to debate Balkan genocide, by all means do so, but THIS IS
I DIDN'T start it!
Okay, so I DID mention Slavia, but it was Lawrence Jenkins, again(!),
Gianna Stefani in particular who brought up Yugoslavia IN DETAIL, and
it was Joe Egginton who, to a degree, made things worse by comparing me
DIRECTLY to David Brent - the CHEEK!:-o :-( - that REALLY set the ball
rolling, as opposed to me. I was actually quite prepared to have posted
no further.:-o
Rob Overfield:
Well said Anne, bravo!
What an idiot.
Fine then. Recite your pathetic poetry. Leave the REAL issues to the
EXPERTS, and NOT the children.
Sometimes I wonder just why I even bother.