Overall 3.4C
Average maxima 6.2C
Average mimina 0.5C
Highest maximum: 12.1C (1st)
Lowest maximum: 0.3C (23rd)
Highest minimum: 6.3 (1st)
Lowest minimum: -2.7 (24th)
Total rainfall: 49.8 mm
Higest rainfall: 13.2 mm (as snow) 31st
Days snow fell: 8
Days snow 50% snow cover: 8
Another month of two halves - rather mild until the 18th, then much
colder and snowier. Overall the equal coldest February (along with
2001) I've recorded. The average minima are the lowest for any month
since December 2001, yet the lowest temperature of the month was only
Most notable day: 23 February. Heavy overnight snow keeps us in all day
on the 23rd; maximum depth is about 7 cm, but the car goes nowhere very
safely. We abandon it at the bottom of the hill. I recorded 32 hours of
frost: annoyingly the temperature climbs just above freezing in the
quarter of an hour just before 9 am. Am I the only person to get
annoyed by such things? Nevertheless the maximum of 0.3C is still a new
record lowest February maximum here since my records began (1996).
Most readings through a Davis Weather Monitor II. Lundie is a rural
location 10 miles NW of Dundee, rather sheltered in the Sidlaw Hills,
elevation 180 m.
Trevor Harley