Countryfile Forecast
On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 13:14:50 -0000, Col wrote in
Also the possibility of some colder air moving into the east later in the
week, but it looks like the milder air will persist right up to the weekend.
How contradictory is that then??
It's not contradictory. It's telling it like it is.
People are always moaning about how the Met Office don't
emphasise uncertainty enough and now they are being honest
about it, you are complaining!
I was quite impressed with the uncertainty, beyond midweek, clearly stated.
The cold scenario is a low probability outcome, but the fact it was
mentioned at all is an encouraging sign. Maybe one or two of them have
been reading this newsgroup:-)
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to 18/01/2004 13:12:54 UTC