Here are some data for Terpsithea, Glyfada, in SE Athens (37.894N, 23.768E,
148 m amsl) for July 2003. Average temperature comparisons are to the
1994-2002 data, while precipitation comparisons are to the estimated
1961-1990 values for this site.
A) Air Temperature
Abs. min. temperatu +20.6C (10) | max min: +26.8C (19)
Abs. max. temperatu +38.9C (4&5) | min max: +30.3C (8)
Average diurnal range: 10.7C
Avg. min. temperatu +23.4C (-0.1)
Avg. max. temperatu +34.1C (+0.5)
Avg. temperatu +28.7C (+0.2)
No air or ground frost days.
B) Air relative humidity
Average value: 39.7%
C) Precipitation
No rain day ( 0.1 mm)
Monthly precipitation: 0.0 mm (0.0%)
De Martone index: 0
Thunderstorm days: 0
Hail days: 0
D) Peak wind gust
52.9 kph (NE, July 25)
E) Sunshine
334.62 h (E. Athens, Zografou)
376.9 h (S. Athens, Elliniko)
This July has been normal, without any extremely high or low temperature
readings for this time of the year. Absolutely no rain was recorded, as has
been the case during 42% of all Julies during the last 34 years in Athens.
All available -daily and aggregate- data for the month that just ended can
be found on Climatic data
for July can be found on
Yannis Karayannis, reporting live from Terpsithea Glyfadas, SE Athens, for