- And on Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:47:31 -0000, it was spake thus said in message "Brendan DJ Murphy" :
I have been having a small amount of success in my project to dynamically create animation GIF
files from still images. I have written a small single MS-DOS batch file which, when run,
automatically downloads images and then creates animations. Have a look and tell me if you find it
All I need to do now is to set up a scheduled task in Windows to run my batch-file at regular
BEWARE. The GFS animation is about 3 MEG ! but I think it looks pretty cool*
I might have to shrink the image size or skip alternate frames or reduce the number of colours to
reduce its size .
Any ideas or suggestions ?
(* "cool" as in a forecast of some cold weather!)
Well done Brendan, thank you
Luckily I'm on ADSL so the size doesn't matter - I notice that on the web page
you say it's only 2MB

How about giving people the opportunity to choose a smaller one if they don't
have BB ?
Another thought was as I was looking at the cloud/rainfall - how about a page
with them both on side by side so comparison's easy ?
Nick in Northallerton
Also nickw7coc on both Yahoo Messenger & on MSN Messenger