[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Fri 4th Mar 2005
Chalfont St Giles - Friday 4th March 2005
0615z SW F2-3 15km 2Sc040 6Ac080 8As150 -02.8/-05.6 1017
RMK: Cloud thickest to NW. Min -5.5 at 0245z. It has risen from
-5.1 at 0400z.
0700z SW F2-3 10km -SN 3Sc040 8As070 -02.3/-05.4 1016
RMK: Snow started at 0655z. Only a few flakes at present but the
cloud is thickening fast.
0750z SW F2-3 0300 SN VV/// -02.1/-03.7 1015
RMK: Snow became moderate at 0715z. 1-2 cm on all surfaces
including our untreated road. Temperature reached -2.0
at 0725z but has fallen slightly since then. Dew point
rising steadily.
0900z SW F2 0700 SN VV/// -01.3/-02.6 1013
RMK: Snow starting to ease off. 3 cm on all surfaces. Emergency
vehicle sirens almost continuous on the A413 for the
past hour. Pressure down 4.1 mb in past 3 hours.
24-HR STATISTICS: Max (0900-0900): 4.2 at 1410z
Min (0900-0900): -5.5 at 0245z
Grass min (1800-0900): -7.9
Rain (0900-0900): 2.6 mm
1200z WSW F3 15km 6Sc020 04.2/02.5 1009
RMK: Snow turned to sleet/rain at about 0930z then died out.
Lying snow melting fast in spells of warm sunshine. Now
a patchy 1 cm on the grass. Roads clear but pavements still
have a patchy slippery mess on them. Pressure down 3.3 mb
in past 3 hours and still falling.
(delete "thisbit" twice to e-mail)
Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.