And still it rains!
Yesterday (19th) we had 21.9 mm from 09.00 to 21.00 after patchy light
rain mostly in the East Midlands was forecast.
Today Penny Tranter was the culprit. While doing the Midlands forecast
she said some light patchy rain here and there becoming drier from the
We've had another 17.5mm today (20th) up to 18.00 and it's still
Will be very interesting to see what they forecast for tomorrow.
Our local radio tell us there are a number of roads flooded in the area
and the rivers are very high, which is no surprise, still it's only
light and patchy rain doing all the damage.
This month is so depressing with over 100mm of rain, temperatures some
2c above average and only 23 hours sunshine in 20 days, I for one will
be glad to see the back of it!
Roll on Spring!
Weston Coyney weather station (Stoke-on-Trent) 220 asl