Penzance Weather
Holiday Cottage
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote in message
Gary, I posted some statistics a few days ago which show that,
although very dry, it has certainly not been unprecedentedly so.
You can see how the high pressure has dominated our part
of the world during the winter season at
and also by following the monthly links.
Here are those stats again:
A quick calculation indicates that, for England and Wales,
the rainfall for the winter quarter has a return period of about
10 years, and for Southeast England a return period of
about 16 years.
The Nov-Feb rainfall has a return period of ~25 years.
It's certainly been very dry down here in the far SW.
Well over half of our annual rainfall normally falls in the 5 months
The normal (1971-2000) rainfall for this period is 634.1mm.
So far (with little sight of appreciable rainfall in the near future) the
total is 301.5mm or just 47.5% of the Nov-March norm.