Water Shortages
"Graham Easterling" wrote:
"Philip Eden" wrote:
A quick calculation indicates that, for England and Wales,
the rainfall for the winter quarter has a return period of about
10 years, and for Southeast England a return period of
about 16 years.
The Nov-Feb rainfall has a return period of ~25 years.
It's certainly been very dry down here in the far SW. Well over half of
our annual rainfall normally falls in the 5 months Nov-March.
The normal (1971-2000) rainfall for this period is 634.1mm.
So far (with little sight of appreciable rainfall in the near future) the
total is 301.5mm or just 47.5% of the Nov-March norm.
Nov 1991-March 1992 produced a total of 316mm at
the old Penzance site ... you'll do well to beat that :-)
Philip Eden