Sunday, 13 March 2005
0900 WNW F2 25km - 7/SC T021D-001
RMK: Classic Stratocumulus stratiformis (extensive sheet) translucidus
(position of sun seen through cloud elements) perlucidus (distinct gaps
between elements). We appear to be on the SW edge of a sheet across the
SE of England - convective over-turning mixing the dry air into the
sheet ought to see it break up further; it looks very thin: occasional
shafts of strong sunshine. Early very slight hoar frost but that now
screen min: -00.8 grass min: -03.0 precipitation: NIL
other data: Hard/paved surfaces dry; soil surfaces again drying out (we
are on a sandy soil type, so this is not uncommon in extended periods of
little rain.]=
The basic first-line format is:-
[Wind direction .. compass points]
[Wind speed .. Beaufort force]
[Visibility .. metres / (km =10km)]
[Visibility .. significant variation/direction]
[Weather groups .. if any]
[Cloud layers .. amount/type]
[Screen temperature/T .. degrees/tenths]
[Dewpoint temp/D .. degrees/tenths]
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)