Some very heavy clouds to the north west for about an hour after the
last report and then a clearance. Now, a very nice sunset.
Old snow lying in gullies above c.700 metres.
At 18:00:-
2/8 Ci/Cc/Cu.
Temperature 3.2°C falling from a high of 5.8°C at 15:45.
Dew point -2.7°C
RH 65%
Wind 7 mph, gusting to 16 mph, WNW. Max gust 31 mph, W, at 16:15.
Barometer 1007.3 mb, steady.
Precipitation since midnight 0.0 mm.
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Loch Goil and Loch Long in Argyll, Scotland.
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