While the adrenaline is running high here with an almost hysterical
anticipation of impending cold weather[ this will increase in the coming
years as forecasts extend ever outwards thus building up more time to
speculate and contemplate] I have been monitoring so far this winter an area
in Austria which is famous for its low temperatures, some 65 miles south
west of Vienna.
Imagine all the rain in December and January in Britain falling as snow.
Well this is what has happened in this area of Austria where the snow depth
is approaching 2 metres or 6 feet, enough to satisfy all but the most ardent
of snow fans on this new group. The sun there has just risen above the hills
into a clear blue sky with a temperature of minus 13C. Last year also they
had a great deal of snow even though the height is a rather modest 1500
metres. I am thinking of organizing a trip there for Weather eye readers but
I expect some from this news group would find it a very enjoyable place too.
Ian Currie -- Coulsdon -130 metres