The likelihood is for a good deal more snow up to the end of next week with
low-pressure nearby and a cold arctic airstream reacting with warmer air
advected up from the Mediterranean. Could be as much as another metre at
least. When I was there in the beautifully benign August last year[ it was
not so hot in the hills] the avalanche shelters looked very incongruous but
will be vital over the next week or so.
Ian Currie -Coulsdon
" Imagine all the rain in December and January in Britain falling as
snow. Well this is what has happened in this area of Austria where
the snow depth is approaching 2 metres or 6 feet, enough to satisfy
all but the most ardent of snow fans on this new group. The sun there
has just risen above the hills into a clear blue sky with a
temperature of minus 13C. Last year also they had a great deal of
snow even though the height is a rather modest 1500 metres. I am
thinking of organizing a trip there for Weather eye readers but I
expect some from this news group would find it a very enjoyable place
Ian Currie -- Coulsdon -130 metres
I've been watching snow reports for Austria for a couple of months or so, as
I am visiting there in 2 weeks - it's been interesting to see that it has
snowed heavily, in some places, at least every other day for the past 2
All I'm worried about is the Avalanche danger!
cupra (remove nospam please to mail)