Moderate rain with poor visibility, 2km. Main cloud base c.100
metres. Marked rise in temperature associated with an increase in wind
speed and direction change.
Temperature in Glasgow this afternoon 13.5°C by the car thermometer.
At 18:00 :-
8/8 NiSt.
Temperature 9.0°C steady.
Dew point 9.0°C
RH 100%
Wind 12 mph, gusting to 22 mph, S. Max gust 26 mph, S, at 17:30.
Barometer 1000.9 mb, steady.
Precipitation since midnight 18.2 mm with a maximum rate of 3.2 mm/hr
at 04:15.
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Loch Goil and Loch Long in Argyll, Scotland.
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