Saturday, 19 March 2005
0715 VRB F1 0300 FG 3/CI T054D048
RMK: FG developed (or more likely rolled in) around 0630Z; before that,
VIS 3000M at worst. Sun now shining weakly on houses etc., so vertical
depth not great: if thicker stuff doesn't come in from elsewhere (which
is a possibility), our local aviation fog should clear steadily in next
couple of hours.=
0800 CALM 0400 FG 3/CI T058D050
RMK: sun shining reasonably strongly now - vertical thickness of fog
not great, but looking at amount of 100M fog to the west/southwest,
local advection could still lead to deteriorations .. at least the
temperature has started to rise!=
0900 WSW F2 0800 FG 2/ST T076D067
RMK: a steady rise in temperature (nearly 2C in one hour) is a sign
that the sun is doing it's job: strong (though still diffuse) sunshine
through fog/thin ST. There is also some Cirrus still, but no great
screen min: 04.9 grass min: 01.8 precipitation: NIL ]=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)