[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Sat 19th Mar 2005
Chalfont St Giles - Saturday 19th March 2005
0715z CALM 0400 FG 2 Ci250 05.1/04.4 1026
RMK: Fog has limited vertical extent and looks like it will
burn off very quickly
0900z CALM 2500 BR 5Ci250 10.4/09.8 1026
24-HR STATISTICS: Max (0900-0900): 19.9 at 1600z
Min (0900-0900): 4.2 at 0640z
Grass min (1800-0900): 1.5
Rain (0900-0900): Nil
(delete "thisbit" twice to e-mail)
Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.