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Northerlies climatologically give snow showers on Dartmoor as well Danny, and I
have the data at work to prove it !
" A cup is most useful when empty "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.
danny wrote in message . ..
Hi Paul,
Obviously living in Lincolnshire puts a different perspective on things.
Maybe I should have said Norterlies don't cut if for most of England, say
90%.... only on an extremely local scale...e.g Eastern coastal, or just
inland of, areas.
Lincolnshire must be a great place to live on a Northerly.
"Paul Freeman" wrote in message
But i remember the 2 day N'ly spell at the end of last Jan when I had 6
inches of level snow and 6 ft drifts - snow was still on the ground
patchy) 2 weeks after the first falls....and that's at sea level in SE
"danny" wrote in message
I have to agree. In modern times Arctic\Northerlies have much promise
never deliver... it just never gets cold enough.
"max" wrote in message
Okay, so this has come up before within other threads, but I really
cannot see WHY people are getting so excited about this potential
'cold' weather and snow.
As far as I can see we're just going to be in a chilly northerly,
nothing special about that.
Now IF we were going to have a real nice Scandinavian High with a long
easterly draw from a far below sub zero continent THEN I might be
interested, but as it is and after looking at the *speculative* charts
and warnings here, I simply don't see anything to jump up and down
Or is all this mostly driven by met office over-reaction (as usual!)
and media induced hype?
Or maybe it's equally because of the fact that this country so rarely
gets any snow these days that even an inch or two is a main event?
I'm more than welcome to be convinced otherwise, as I too love a good
blizzard. I'll happily eat my words if I'm wrong.