[OBS] York Easter Sunday 27/3/05
John Whitby wrote:
1115Z NE F3 5000M RA 7ST008 8LYR above T 7.2C QFF 1009
RMK a dull and cold morning..SCT RA/DZ has become more persistant
in last half-hour.
1400Z NE F2/3 8KM 8ST/SC010 T 7.6C QFF 1009
RMK ...rain lasted only about 1/2 hour..dry since apart from the
odd bit of DZ
1845Z NE F2 6KM RA 8ST/SC008 T 6.5C QFF 1010.5
RMK a dull, chilly day. Rain has been patchy and slight....appears to be
getting rather more organised at present.
North Yorkshire.
(c.20 metre AMSL)