On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 08:47:43 +0000 (UTC), "nguk.."
MetO may disregard it but that of course wouldn't limit all
the noise that would come from TheWorstOutlook (TWO) nor would suggest
anything about their charlatan forecasting and publicity seeking
Depressingly hot regards,
Well if TWO accept barbourne as an official temp
and say they got it right, then that would be outragous.
We shall see what happens.
Most interesting of all would be the Bookies' reaction if Barbourne
and nowhere else reached 100 deg F. It is, when all said and done, an
official reporting station is it not? I think they'd have to pay out
UNLESS the Met Office publicly rejected the reading.
Now that *would* be interesting, commercial pressure entering the
Barbourne debate