Tomorrow's Countryfile Weather.
Victor West wrote:
"lawrence jenkins" wrote in message
"Victor West" wrote If it is good,
I'll grab a mpeg of it if anyone's interested.
Yes please.
Try again.......
Victor. That is so sad.
Yes I know! :-))
By the way what's happening on TWO? Is it server change problems,
sheer volume of
traffic and finally is it now not accessible even to TWO members?
Yes I believe it's both problems now. Previously it was just the huge
volume of traffic. Brian decided to restrict to members in order to
save bandwidth. I think the restrictions are likely to stay all next
week if the weather does it's job.
Here's to a good dump of snow in the south east! :-)
I've recorded it - if you still want it, Victor, let me know and I'll resize it and bung it on my webspace.
cupra (remove nospam please to mail)