On Sun, 25 Jan 2004 14:45:57 -0000, "Victor West"
I've recorded it - if you still want it, Victor, let me know and I'll resize
it and bung it on my webspace.
Well it wasn't quite the forecast I was hoping for a few days ago (what a
fool I was! :-)) ) but as you've gone to the effort I'd like to see it again
and I'm sure others would too.
Why not just view the forecast online?
Click on the 'UK Forecast' link in blue.
I don't think it's the Country File forecast but it IS nearly five
minutes long so is fairly detailed and covers the whole week.
And, for what it's worth, I STILL don't see what the big deal is to be
honest. It's just your bog standard northerly, something which we
don't see much of these days. Cold? Well, a bit nippy but nothing to
get excited about. Snow? Mostly for the north and east and so
affecting very few people relative to the rest of the country.
I'm sure the supermarket owners are rubbing their hands with glee over
the recent vastly inaccurate warnings of doom and gloom and some
people stocking up with food and fuel as a result.
What a complete and utter farce.