Friday, 01 April 2005
0730 SE F2 4500 BR 1/ST 7/ST //CI T073D062
RMK: The Stratus breaks sufficiently now and then to see that although
there is cloud above, it is not particularly thick - caught a sight of
the sun just now through the Cirrus and some well-broken Ac.=
0900 SE F1-2 5000 BR 2/ST 8/ST T088D078
screen min: 07.9 grass min: 07.5 precipitation: tr
other data: a little drizzle overnight. ]=
1100 SSE F2 12km - 2/CU 7/CI COTRA T115D091
RMK: Low cloud broke circa 10Z, with diffuse sunshine through areas of
dense Cirrus.=
1400 S F2-3 18km - 3/CU 7/CI T148D081
RMK: Almost Sc Cugen, but enough residual development to justify Cu.=
1800 E F1-2 20km - 1/SC 5/CI T136D065
RMK: 1 okta Cirrocumulus also present - in fact it is growing in extent
as I look out of the window. Wind rather 'flukey', but favouring an
easterly point.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 15.0 precipitation: NIL
other data: NIL ]=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)