Monday, 04 April 2005
0610 SSW F2-3 10km -RA HZ 3/SC 7/SC 8/AS T109D092
RMK: Rain has just started here.=
0730 SSW F3 6000 -RA BR 7/SC 8/SC T104D089
RMK: steady/light rain now, but evaporation just about keeping up with
the rain so surfaces not particularly damp.=
0745 SSW F3 5000 -RA BR 3/ST 7/SC 8/SC
RMK: Rainfall intensity, though still light (-RA), is sufficient to
dampen ground generally - visibility also creeping down.=
0800 SSW F3 5000 -RA BR 4/ST 7/SC 8/SC T102D088
RMK: St base (lowest) somewhere around 800/900ft, with the SC layers
1500 and 3000ft. Steady, but light, rain.=
0900 SW F2 4000 -RA BR 2/ST 6/ST 8/SC T103D093
RMK: Cloud motion (lowest) more from west now (base circa 700ft), so we
must be close to surface frontal discontinuity going through; PPN very
light now - a period of moderate rain (RA) since last observation has
left everything nicely damp/wet.
screen min: 10.0 grass min: 07.4 precipitation: 0.6 ]=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)