On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:31:36 -0000, "Stuart" wrote:
With the massive over hype in the media, of what the weather might bring us
over the next few days, I would imagine everyone and his dog are accessing
every weather site on the planet
SNOW in January.........whatever next!
Oooh, maybe rain and gales in Autumn?
Makes you think doesn't it ............... ?
Doesn't it make you wonder about just how inaccurate the media is
these days? In this case 'we' know the the media is talking tosh
because we are somewhat more informed than them. This does though
apply to *anything* that the media reports and which a particular
person has first-hand knowledge of, ie the media always, without fail,
over-hypes it, sensationalises it, mis-reports it, tells blatant lies,
etc, etc.