Saturday, 09 April 2005
0615 W F1-2 45km - 1/AC T-011D-040
RMK: Ac is a mix of isolated patch of lenticular-looking type and Ac
floccus; also 1 oktas high-base Cirrus present: a glorious (if chilly)
morn. Hoar frost almost nil - air too dry.
Grass min currently -1.8; has been down below -3.=
0800 WNW F3 50km - 1/CI COTRA T033D-005
RMK: trace of Cirrus/ex-COTRA, otherwise clear blue sky. Feels quite
warm in sun/out of wind, but latter has picked up now and feels cold in
shade particularly.=
0900 WNW F4 50km - 1/CU T052D007
RMK: Feeling quite cold now, despite the strong rise in temperature; a
trace of Cumulus (Cu fra/hum) and all other cloud now disappeared. (Am a
bit suspicious about my dew point rise - but I assume that the increased
wind has mixed the air vertically quite strongly.)
screen min: -01.4 grass min: -03.5 precipitation: NIL
other data: Hard/paved surfaces dry/soil damp. ]=
1000 NW F3-4 50km - 2/CU T071D009
RMK: Cu fra/hum - good separation between elements, so still
1100 NW F4 45km - 6/CU T087D003
RMK: Still occasional bright sunshine, but with large amount of Cu
hum - clear above so still a bright, if rather chilly, day.=
1200 NW F3 45km - 3/CU 7/SC T090D001
RMK: thick Cirrus seen to distant north - Cu is shallow but with
dark-grey base; Sc still with some breaks, though best describe the day
as 'bright' only now.=
1500 WNW F3-4 60km - 7/SC //CI T100D-008
RMK: The brisk wind allied to low dewpoints undoing all the good work
of the rainfall of a few days back; top soil showing signs of drying out
rapidly. Still bright, but little direct sunshine.=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)