The Met Office - an apology
"Simon Gardner" [dot]co[dot]uk wrote in message
Various denizens of may have given the impression that the
Met Office was talking nonsense and falsely hyping snowfall this week.
These wretches would like unreservedly to apologise and would like to
reassure all and sundry that there was not one scintilla of a truth in any
of the unfair and premature slagging off of the Met Office and BBC weather
forecasts which had correctly predicted snow.
1. The cold was a day late
2. Every forecast was different constant changes
3. The big freeze is turning out to be what a one day event for most of the
Need i go on?
Off topic : that ass Brian Gaze TWO was blaming Will hand , media and the
met office
because his own long range forecast had gone wrong, i ask ya how can you
blame other people
for getting your own long range forecast wrong. That guy finds it really
difficult to admit his own faults hes very big headed!