Free rainfall radar - uk
Thanks for all the replies I've recieved.
Sadly I can't afford t he £56 option - but the other one from the Met
Office is def better than the BBC one.
I remember seeing the sferics on top of the rainfall radar display when I
was at the Met Office - which meant that you could see where the rain was
turning thundery. I had a great time at work experience there - learnt an
awful lot - and I can really see myself doing what they do! Possible
career plan there! lol. I was especially impressed with their computer
systems - the program Nimbus was so powerful - even though it sometimes
misbehaved. The responsibility I was given was nice as well - I was
allowed to make up the forecast sheets for the BBC Midlands Today
forecasters by my self - as long as they were checked before they were
sent out!
I spose this is a good time to introduce myself. I seem to have been
estershire. I'm doing A Levels at the moment - hoping to go to uni and
do a degree in Geog. After that, who knows, maybe some meteorology and
then a career in the Met never know!
I don't have a proper weather station at home (sadly I can't afford it).
But I can (and will - assuming I have the time) post visual Weather
Reports. It will be interesting to compare my reports to the chap from
Worcesters - and see how they match!
Thanks again for all the replies,
On Tue, 03 May 2005 17:27:51 +0100, Robin Wilson wrote:
Hi all,
I'm looking for some free rainfall radar images for the UK. I recently
went to the Met Office's branch in Birmingham for some work experience
- and saw their Rainfall Radar display. Theirs is very detailed - and
the only one I can find online so far is the BBCs tiny little one -
which could not be described as detailed at all! lol Are there are any
rainfall radar images available online? If so, where? and how often are
they updated?